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Singing Dancing & Acting 'Class Act' Record!

largest singing, dancing fundraiser in Reigate & Redhill

The Reigate School of Ballet & Commercial Dance will be staging its third and biggest Class Act show at the Harlequin to date, with a packed lineup of singing, dancing and acting performances from RSB and local primary schools.

Class Act was conceived to promote the arts in local primary schools in Reigate, Redhill and Merstham where they receive a cut of the show's profits, so that they can spend on future artistic projects within their own establishments. In a curriculum driven by academic achievements and league tables, the arts can often be left as an optional addition, and children may not get the opportunity to develop their creative and social skills as they should.

Class Act helps to provide an avenue for younger children to perform outside their own schools, and this year is our biggest show yet! With over 400 external pupils from 9 different primary schools, more children are now given this fantastic opportunity in a show designed to fit around the needs of our local schools. The fantastic teachers who give their free time to teach the children and organize a piece for the show are real heroes, and their efforts are truly amazing, and their efforts need to be shown to a wider audience.

Whether primary schools support extra artistic activities or not, the purpose of Class Act is twofold:

1) provides an avenue for younger children to experience performing on a professional stage before the stigma develops by the time they get to secondary school (where they are then given the opportunities but many choose not to)

2) raises money (a profit-share of the ticket sales) to help local schools to spend on invaluable artistic projects or resources

Growing their confidence at an early age is crucial for their preparation and development in secondary school, and this is the age group to target.

The shows will take place on Wednesday 13th & Thursday 14th June this year, and preparations are well on their way! For more information about CLASS ACT, please visit our Schools Initiative Theatre Arts Project page.

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