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Choosing a dancing school in Reigate


Reigate Dance School

Choosing the right academic school for your child is an important step, and we believe the same applies when choosing a dancing school. There may be many factors that influence your decision - is the dance school local, does it have the highest calibre of teaching staff, are there many performance opportunities and whether or not your child wants to dance as a hobby, or whether they would like to further their training and consider it as a possible career, and are the classes fun? We can offer all this.


With so many dancing schools, it is a difficult choice to make. We believe that a balance between offering the largest possible choice of classes and our unrivalled reputation for teaching and quality, make us the perfect choice for pupils of all ages. We recently won the UK 'Dance School of the Year' (overall winner) in 2018 / 2019 after our first year of entering the competition. 


Before choosing, consider the following:



2) Is the school established in the area, with a long tradition of offering top-class tuition?


    RSB are officially the Uk's 'DANCE SCHOOL OF THE YEAR 208', and we are very proud of our achievements. For a relatively small area, there        are many dancing schools in this borough. We believe quality teaching and the schools’ longevity in the area accounts for much of our                  success; we are the longest running dancing school here with over 50 years' experience. 

    Our staff have a wide range of experience to cater for those who want to dance for fun and those who want to extend their dance training. 

    We believe experience counts, which is why we have been around for so long and continue to provide fresh training to our pupils. Any school     is built on the quality of it's teachers:



   With our principal being an ISTD examiner, the school maintains the freshness of dance teaching by having this knowledge and insight - it          offers a great deal to children of all ages and abilities, as they get to know what is required by dance examiners and auditions for colleges or      external companies


   With THREE of our teachers being Licentiate trained (very highly qualified), and so many having had professional performance experience, all    pupils receive the most current dance training available in the area. For example, in ballet, we have TWO Royal ballet trained performers who    have extensive teaching experience (the only school in the area) plus an official Ballet examiner from a recognised dance board (ISTD / RAD).      Our commercial tteachers also have extensive professional experience, and with 2 of our teachers still performing, our classes have a current

   edge on updated choreography. 

   STREET / HIP-HOP - our teacher has toured three times with DIVERSITY and currently still performs in large corporate Festivals in the UK -      

   you can't get more current than that!

   TAP - extensive experiences, plus our new tap teacher starting in September has had film and stage experience including CUBAN FURY and

   has represented England in the World Tap Championships!


   MUSICAL THEATRE - THREE West End performers and a mix of youth experience to pass on to your children. We pride ourselves on offering

   first class Performing Arts tuition and prove to many that this does not have to come at a hefty price tag!


3) Can the school offer classes every day and /or for every age group, so that your child can progress until they get older?


     We are not a weekend school or a school that only operates for 2 or 3 days a week. These schools may be able to offer      

     classes at an early age but would be unable to offer the progression when your child grows. We offer classes every day

     from Monday to Saturday and every age-group is catered for throughout their time spent at RSB.  We are not interested in opening

     several dancing schools in different towns. We concentrate on nurturing children from our local area, so we can therefore cater for

     your child’s needs from an early age, and be able to offer a choice of classes throughout their training as they grow older.



3) Does the school offer individual attention to every child’s needs, and offer a safe and nurturing environment with

    similar aged pupils?


    All pupils are important to our school, and our reputation in catering to a child's individual needs is paramount.  

    We ensure our pupils have fun while learning - happy pupils tend to perform and listen better. All our staff are fully CRB checked.



4) Do the staff have many years of professional dancing and teaching experience?


     The principal is an I.S.T.D. classical ballet examiner with all the current information to pass on to pupils. All the teachers between them

     have danced professionally on TV and in London's West End and international venues.They have also qualified highly with the I.S.T.D.

     and/or R.A.D. and with many years of invaluable teaching experience, are able to offer our pupils the edge in their training.



5) Are there plenty of performance opportunities?


    Our pupils dance extensively in London based and touring companies, are associated with the Royal Ballet School, and locally      

    with pantomimes and amateur dramatic societies, to name but a few. Our past pupils are currently in touring companies, in the West End,

    some have become highly qualified dance teachers. The school produces a bi-annual six performance show at the Harlequin Theatre and

    optional examinations are taken termly during non-show years.


dance classes in reigate surrey

Reigate School of Ballet & Commercial Dance 
20 Clarence Road, Redhill RH1 6NG
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Images courtesy of Emma Benjamin, Gareth Jones RSB and © pic-unique, © Alex White, Konstantin Yuganov, tonisalado, martanfoto, Lorelyn Medina, Laurent Hamels, © BlueOrange Studio, Carlush, Hazel Barnes Photography, xavdip, Lorraine Swanson,Alexander Iakovlev, Lorelyn Medina © eranicle - Val Liza -

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© 2017 by Gareth Jones.

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