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Watching week a success!

Watching week went tremendously well after such a busy and successful year. After the wonders of our bi-annual 6 performance show at the Harlequin in the summer, our pupils still managed to show off something different to parents, family and friends who came to watch the classes during the week of term. As usual we always managed some goodies for their efforts.

Watching weeks are extremely popular, especially with the parents of smaller children. They get to see a typical dance class in action and see for themselves the development they make, socially interacting and focusing while moving to music. Although it is meant to be a snapshot of a typical dance class, some of the younger children naturally get distracted when there is an audience present and/or when a family member is watching. Despite all distractions at this early age, they manage to pull off an organised dance and show off typical dance and ballet steps they have learnt. At whatever age, moving to music is a freedom of expression, and it opens up the creative side of the brain, which is often untapped in today's society. We have alos been told by some of our academic older girls, that remembering dance stelps in a choreographic dance is a very different skill from their academic studies in school, and that it gives them both a mental and phusical workout due to accessing different parts of the brain.

For the older pupils, it is yet another avenue to perform and be watched by an audience which inevitably will gain them confidence. Compared to the large theatrical shows and public performances in the year, watching week proves to be especially beneficial to the pupils who tend to be a little shy at first.

A very sad farewell to some of our older girls who will be leaving to pursue their chosen careers, some of whom are pursuing a career in dance. They have been tremendous and some have been with us since they were 3 years of age!

We wish these girls the very best in whatever they do, and we hope to see them again for a surprise visit...Hint Hint!

We wish all of you a very good summer, and we may see some at our 3 day summer school.

Joanne Evans

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