The Perfect way to interact & have great fun with your child!
This popular event is BACK! After a great time pre-covid where dads and their daughters learnt as dance routine as a duet, we made this quick video form a few years ago capturing the fun everyone had (including the teachers). During this event, we had many of the older children in the video having great fun seeing their parent have a go. and we want to encapsulate this fun element in a regular dance routine, led by one of our expert teachers.
Our Grown Up & Groovers is now opening for mums/dad/guardians and their child to join us for what will be another great event, and a great way for you to bond doing something different! We have 2 different age groups to choose:
Grown up and Child (ages 4 - 6) @ 2.00 - 2.45pm
Grown up and Child (ages 7+) @ 2.45 - 3.30pm
Grown ups can be any age :)
Venue - St Marks Church Hall, Alma Road, Reigate
Price per couple - £6.50
To book, click here